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* In the unlikely event an applicant is rejected for membership, the applicant will be contacted by MIA with the reasons. Because we are an organization dedicated to connecting Inuit to each other and our community around us, we have purposefully encouraged non-Inuit to join our organization, and have created membership options to allow for meaningful participation in all events.
There are two types of individual memberships:
People who self-identify as Inuit, are16 years of age, and have been a resident of Manitoba for three months are admitted as Active Members. Active Members have the following rights and benefits:
There are no fees to be an Active Member.
Non-Inuit, Inuit under the age of 16 living in Manitoba, and Inuit who do not live in Manitoba for three months are admitted as Associate Members. Full Members have the following rights and benefits:
There are no fees to be an Associate Member.
Manitoba-based corporations or other legal entities who represent Inuit or have an interest in Inuit community activities are admitted as Organizational members. Organizational members have the following rights and benefits:
As of 2015, there are no fees to become an Organizational Member. By-laws allow for membership dues to be set from time to time by the Board of Directors.
See Section 8 of Manitoba Inuit Association By-laws on membership
204-77-INUIT (204-774-6848)
Ainfo@manitobainuit.ca x204-774-6848
1000 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 0N3
x 204-774-6848 A info@manitobainuit.ca