If you are Inuit living in Manitoba, or are interested in Inuit activities and issues, we welcome you to apply to be a member of MIA. Help build our organization and connect with Inuit in Manitoba.

How Membership Applications Are Processed

  1. Fill in the application form online for either individual or organizational membership
  2. The board of directors meet monthly from September to June. At their meeting, they will be presented with a list of applicants for membership. They will review and accept applications, placing them in the appropriate membership category - Active, Associate, or Organizational.
  3. All decisions of membership acceptance will be reflected in the minutes of the board meeting.
  4. Members will be informed via e-mail when they are accepted as members

* In the unlikely event an applicant is rejected for membership, the applicant will be contacted by MIA with the reasons. Because we are an organization dedicated to connecting Inuit to each other and our community around us, we have purposefully encouraged non-Inuit to join our organization, and have created membership options to allow for meaningful participation in all events.

Individual Memberships

There are two types of individual memberships:

  • Active Membership for Inuit who currently live in Manitoba for 3 months or longer, aged 16 and over;
  • Associate Membership for non-Inuit and for Inuit living outside of Manitoba who wish to connect with Manitoba Inuit, and for Inuit under the age of 16.

Active members

People who self-identify as Inuit, are16 years of age, and have been a resident of Manitoba for three months are admitted as Active Members. Active Members have the following rights and benefits:

  • full voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and any special meetings called for Members;
  • are able to run for a position on the board of directors, guiding the organization's Executive Director in their work to fulfill MIA's mission and goals;
  • are invited to all MIA events, and kept informed of issues concerning the Inuit community of Manitoba via e-mail.

There are no fees to be an Active Member.

Apply Here

Associate members

Non-Inuit, Inuit under the age of 16 living in Manitoba, and Inuit who do not live in Manitoba for three months are admitted as Associate Members. Full Members have the following rights and benefits:

  • invited to attend and participate in the Annual General Meeting and any special meetings called for Members, but with no voting rights;
  • are invited to all MIA events, and kept informed of issues concerning the Inuit community of Manitoba via e-mail.

There are no fees to be an Associate Member.

Apply Here

Organizational Memberships

Manitoba-based corporations or other legal entities who represent Inuit or have an interest in Inuit community activities are admitted as Organizational members. Organizational members have the following rights and benefits:

  • Each Organizational Member is entitled to nominate one representative who shall be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting
  • The Organizational Member is invited to all MIA events, and kept informed of issues concerning the Inuit community of Manitoba via e-mail

As of 2015, there are no fees to become an Organizational Member. By-laws allow for membership dues to be set from time to time by the Board of Directors.

See Section 8 of Manitoba Inuit Association By-laws on membership

Apply Here

Need our help?

If you have any questions regarding the types of memberships above, please contact:

204-77-INUIT (204-774-6848)

Unite Interactive