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What are Inuit-specific services?
There is a need for services that recognize the requirements of Inuit residing in Manitoba. Inuit culture is unique in Canada - and unique within the Aboriginal population. Inuit need culturally specific support, particularly in health, housing, education, and development of cultural programs.
Manitoba Inuit Association (MIA) is the representative organization for Inuit living in Manitoba. MIA provides dynamic Inuit-specific programs and services that embody Inuit principles and values, and ensure opportunities to strengthen connections to Inuit culture, language and community while living in urban and rural/remote areas of Manitoba.
Inuit Association of Manitoba is an Inuit-run charity in Manitoba. A grassroots organization established in 2018, guided by Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ): "that which the Inuit have always known to be true." IQ is grounded in the maligait ("the four big laws") that strive, among other things, to maintain balance and harmony in Inuit life.
Do you work with individuals and familiies?
Yes, we work with all Inuit individuals and families.
What is the process for getting help from MIA and/or IAM?
We welcome the opportunity to support you, so if you are interested in exploring how we can help, visit our contact page for our address, phone numbers and email address.
Ainfo@manitobainuit.ca x204-774-6848
1000 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 0N3
x 204-774-6848 A info@manitobainuit.ca