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The support worker is helping, advocating, assisting the Inuit community with a wide range of issues or barriers to specific needs to improve their well-being. Housing applications, letters to improve current housing or request a change of housing due to safety or medical needs; income assistance; government forms; referrals to MIA Food Hamper Program; healthcare- assisting with access or barriers; advocacy for medical interpretation; hospital visits; mental health advocacy; community connections to other resources. Also assisting some of the most vulnerable community members, unsheltered, domestic violence, MMIWG2S+. Advocating for women's health and making necessary partnerships with key stakeholders to improve our women's health. The Kativiik Program is striving to work with other organizations who are dedicated to honor Truth & Reconciliation and making those changes to reflect equity with the services they provide.
For more info, contact Manitoba Inuit Association 204-774-6848; info@manitobainuit.ca
Ainfo@manitobainuit.ca x204-774-6848
1000 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 0N3
x 204-774-6848 A info@manitobainuit.ca